Everyone deserves to have God's Word in the language that speaks directly to their soul.

OBT 1000
Oral Bible translation, or OBT, is an effective method for translating the Bible into languages without a written format. OBT methods reduce the time needed to see God’s Word available to a people group, while affirming the value of oral cultures and the impact of God’s Word on His people. OBT matches a native speaker with a facilitator who speaks a common language. Together they work through translating the Bible into an oral format. Simply put, Oral Bible Translation is an effective, practical and impactful way to translate the Bible into the remaining 1000+ languages.
Nearly all of the remaining Bible-less languages are oral cultures. This means that their heart language is heard rather than read. While a written translation of the Bible is important, OBT aims to first deliver a Bible in audio format. This honors the oral culture, reduces the amount of time to make God’s Word available to the people and produces a format of the Bible that is immediately suited to impact the heart of the listener.

Caleb Survey
Would you like to play a hands-on role in seeing the Bible translated into every language? Through a 2-week Caleb Survey course, we can empower you to engage and assess a Bible-less language and record the first Bible verses in that language with the Start Bibles App.
30 Taste & See Passages PDF
Encounter the story of the Bible through these 30 passages taken from the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Epistles. These passages encompass the whole Bible narrative into 30 easy to memorize and share stories, great for Oral Bible Translation.

Translation Course
Our translation course will equip you with the basics of how to find, start, complete and verify new Bible translations using the Oral Bible Translation method. After completing our translation course, you will be fully equipped with the tools you need to succeed in ending Bible poverty through translation.